Reformed Baptist Seminary

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Graduate Profile: Michael Goins, M.T.S.

My name is Michael Goins, and I am a graduate of Reformed Baptist Seminary. I was raised in a nominal Catholic family and spent my life prior to conversion oblivious to the things of the Lord. Sports and self were my gods, and since I had no knowledge or understanding of God’s word and His gospel I was under the impression I was a "good person" as judged by my standards. In college the Lord started drawing me to Himself in spite of me, and it’s so sweet to look back on it now. Through a few years of drawing through different means the Lord saved me in 2000 around the age of 25. My life has been a complete turn around since then, and I can honestly say there is nothing about my life now that I planned out. He has sovereignly guided us and worked in us for His glory in every detail, and we are confident His future grace will see us home. My wife, Michelle, is the most amazing wife a man could hope for and the second greatest gift He has ever given to me. We have five children from ages 13 down to 3 years old.

The Lord has been gracious to use me in a number of different ministries. Soon after being saved God moved us to our church where He has grown me, and allowed opportunities for me to teach, lead the children’s ministry for a few years, lead a small group, counsel in our counseling ministry, serve as a deacon, and now serve as an elder. In addition, the Lord has used us for outreach marriage conferences and other events, and I have had the blessing to travel to Africa and Peru for numerous short term mission trips. I look forward to turning my attention to ACBC certification next, and plan to continue serving in my local church as a layman for now while working full-time as a realtor. I have not ruled out full-time ministry in the future, but I feel the Lord has clearly guided and directed us that I’m where I need to be right now. I still agree with Isaiah 6:8 and affirm with Isaiah that, "Here am I. Send me!” I trust the Lord will continue His sovereign plan for us and lead us from here.

In my studies at Reformed Baptist Seminary, I was able to obtain my Master of Theological Studies. The curriculum was rigorous and thorough with a flexible schedule that made it possible for me to balance it with my other responsibilities. I have been completely satisfied with my time at RBS and I’m so thankful the Lord lead me to this school for my training. Their program allows for a solid education in a way that helps the student be a faithful steward of finances and time and remain plugged into their local church. I highly recommend, without reservation, Reformed Baptist Seminary to anyone looking to deepen their knowledge of the Scriptures.

Michael Goins, M.T.S.