Reformed Baptist Seminary

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Graduate Profile: Andrew Stark (DTS)

I live way up in Whitehorse, Yukon Territory, Canada, with my wife and three children. I currently serve as an Elder, Treasurer, and Sunday School teacher at a recent church plant.

About 5 years ago, I felt convicted that I wanted to know my Christian faith better, know my Savior better, and serve my church better. That desire led me to search for a seminary. The idea of packing up my family to travel to a school seemed impractical and unaffordable. Whitehorse is a long way from any seminary, especially one with biblical convictions.

Reformed Baptist Seminary allowed me to stay here in the North and receive what I believe is a world-class education. I’m thankful to all the teachers and staff at RBS, as well as its supporters. Beyond the practical matter of being able to stay where I live and serve my church while studying, I am especially thankful that the teaching I have received has helped me mature as a Christian. I’ve realized that what I needed more than anything was to be preached to by godly men from the Word of God, and that is what I received at RBS. The papers and tests and assignments were important, too, because they helped me retain what I was taught, but I am especially thankful for hearing God’s Word expounded so clearly. I consider everything I’ve learned at RBS to be precious.

Systematic Theology, it turns out, is immensely practical for ministry. In all the little ways that I’ve served, from finances to Sunday school to preaching to eldership, the understanding I’ve gained at RBS has always helped me. And with each book I’ve read, lecture I’ve listened to, or assignment I’ve completed, I am more thankful and more sure that there is nothing better than to be a Christian. What could be better than to be saved by Jesus Christ, to know him, worship him, and serve him?

It was always my intention to attend one of the live modules and meet some of the students and faculty face to face, and I encourage new students to do so. In my case, that hasn’t been possible. All the same, I was touched by so many of the lectures and questions from other students and feel that I know some of you at least a little. I have been blessed by you, and may God bless you all in your future endeavors.

Andrew Stark