Reformed Baptist Seminary

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Graduate Profile: Christian Henry (DTS)

Years ago, a church that I went to with some buddies from school was having a college weekend. They had group activities to bond the similarly aged kids with each other, as well as sermons from the pastors of the church. There, Pastor Sikma asked us, “If the people who lived in the dorm across the hall from you did not know anything about Jesus other than that you were a follower. What would they think about Christians based on how you live your life?” This question has really stuck with me and has affected my dedication to Christ since.

My name is Christian Henry. I have been born and raised in St. Louis, Missouri (Let’s go Blues!) and am 24 years old. I live in Wildwood, Missouri and attended High School at Eureka High school. For college, I went to Maryville University from 2016–2019, where I studied education and also advertising. I was not able to graduate because I felt called to the ministry.

I grew up going to Bible Baptist Church in Maplewood, Missouri where my Grandad, Tom Henry, now serves as the Head Pastor. It is a rather small church, but I enjoy the fellowship, it is a bunch of close, like-minded Christians that I have known since birth and I love the congregation. My hope is to follow in my grandfather’s footsteps, and serve as a Pastor at Bible Baptist. I have now led 14 services and am excited to do more in the future.

“Command and teach these things. Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity” (I Timothy 4:11-12 ESV).

This passage of Scripture really speaks to me. As I write this, I am 24 years old and while far from childhood, I am still a rather young man in comparison to other pastors, teachers, and even some of my fellow students. However, as Paul points out, that does not matter. There is no biblical passage that asserts the importance of being 35 years or older. What matters is that you live your life as an example for Christ in conduct, in faith, in purity, in love, and in speaking and teaching God’s word. Passages like this are what called me to the ministry, and led me to RBS.

I am very thankful for Reformed Baptist Seminary, and would like to extend my gratitude to my professors, Greg Nichols, Jeff Smith, Brian Borgman, Jeff Johnson, Robert Briggs, John Reuther, Sam Waldron, Nick Kennicott, Sam Ward, and Mark Chanski. As well as Dean Robert Gonzales and his assistant Vadim Cherpuny. I thank you all for the countless hours spent lecturing/preparing, as well as the one on one conversations we may have had.

I will leave with a biblical example of how we need to be as Christians. We need to follow the example from the apostle Paul’s life. It comes at the close of the book of Acts: “He lived there two whole years at his own expense, and welcomed all who came to him, proclaiming the kingdom of God and teaching about the Lord Jesus Christ with all boldness and without hindrance” (Acts 28:30-31).

Christian Henry