Graduate Profile: Gene Greiner, Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.)
I was born in the state of Pennsylvania where I grew up in a Christian home and in Reformed Baptist circles. Saved as a child, I enjoyed a Christian school education and went on to receive a BS in Electrical Engineering from Bucknell University with a Minor in American Politics. I began my working career as an engineer but soon turned to sales for Emerson Electric where I have enjoyed working for the past 12 years. Under God’s kind providence, my soon-to-be father-in-law was my first employer, and the Lord blessed me with a wonderful wife, Robin, who also grew up in a Christian home in Pennsylvania and came to the Doctrines of Grace through a process that began in her college days at Maranatha Baptist Bible College in Watertown, WI. We have been married for 18 wonderful years and live in Bedminster, PA. We have one son, Andrew, who came to know the Lord as a small child. We had the privilege of seeing him baptized at our church in Franconia, PA – Reformed Baptist – three years ago.
Most of our leisure time is spent in family activities. We enjoy hunting and fishing. Andrew and I have recently taken to the sport of airsoft which is similar to paintball. He enjoys playing soccer and is an exceptional trumpeter. I enjoy reading and water gardening with my own back-yard pond in my leisure time. Robin enjoys reading Christian fiction, socializing on Facebook, volunteering at Andrew's school, and discipling ladies through weekly Bible studies.
I entered RBS with the intention and future hope of full time pastoral ministry. God has used a 13 year process to bring Robin and I to this place which began with a “conspiracy” of praying ladies. Robin was part of a small group of ladies who met for Bible study and prayer, and they began to intercede with God that He would move me to begin teaching and preaching – all without my knowledge! I began to teach Sunday school, preach a bit here and there, and all the time God was removing sin from my life and working into me a pastor’s heart. Three years ago, after I had already enrolled at RBS with the excuse that I just wanted more theological education, I took Robin out for lunch and told her that I wanted to be a pastor when I grew up. She looked at me as only a loving wife could do and said “It’s about time you admitted it to yourself.” God had been moving her along the same path but at a pace much quicker than me.
We both believe that God has called me into the ministry. We are searching now for a place where we fit in His church and can use our gifts and talents. I teach Sunday school and preach occasionally at Reformed Baptist, and God has brought a number of local churches across my path where I have been able to provide pulpit supply. We continue to look for his leading in the next phase of our lives. Until then, I intend to enroll at CCEF this fall at Westminster Seminary near Philadelphia to take 5 courses for a certificate in Biblical Counseling.
I praise the Lord often for the ministry of Reformed Baptist Seminary. It has been a place of great encouragement and deep learning for me. It also provided the flexibility and cost that I needed to be able to accomplish a degree while still working full time. Thank you all. I look forward to a future time when I can re-enroll in the divinity program. Until then, God has some special work for us to accomplish.
Gene Greiner