Reformed Baptist Seminary

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Graduate Profile: John Lai (MTS)

Over the past few years, I have been blessed with the opportunity to work towards an MTS in Systematic Theology at Reformed Baptist Seminary (RBS), while continuing to serve in my local church, Chinese Grace Bible Church (CGBC). And along the way, my wife and I welcomed our first baby boy in November 2019. We praise God for his goodness and grace in sustaining me through my studies and for the privilege to be a part of Reformed Baptist Seminary!

I was born and raised in Sacramento, California, and have spent much of my life here. After spending my undergraduate years in San Diego where I attended UC San Diego, God led me back to Sacramento where I attended UC Davis School of Law and received my Juris Doctor in 2012. Since the beginning of 2013, I have worked as a health law attorney and have enjoyed the challenges and flexibility this career has provided.

While in law school, I met my lovely wife through mutual church fellowships between Sacramento and the Bay Area. We were married in 2014 and welcomed our first son, Isaac Lai, in November of 2019. My wife has been an unceasing support and encouragement, and I cannot thank her enough for her love and example to me. I cherish our little family, which also includes three fuzzy dogs and a Sulcata tortoise, who will eventually rival all our dogs in size. Yes, we have quite the zoo for a California suburban family!

In my undergraduate years, I was introduced more formally to reformed teaching. My hunger grew to study and better understand God’s word as the ultimate authority for all things pertaining to salvation and godliness, perfectly consistent and without contradiction. During my years in law school, I committed to serve in my local church, CGBC, as a Youth Advisor for the High School group and as a leader for our church’s Young Adult group. I was given the opportunity to lead, teach, and counsel regularly, and this grew my love for Christ and the local church.

This season in our church has brought a number of transitions, and God has been gracious in allowing me the opportunities to continue to serve in various capacities and on numerous committees during this time. Serving on a Transition Assessment team to examine the health of our church, and on the pastor search and hiring team, has broadened my understanding of the church and deepened my conviction on the importance of sound doctrine within the leadership of the church. Because of this, I was convicted to begin my studies at RBS in 2018—to be better trained and equipped to serve in our local church. Since starting at RBS, I began serving as a Deacon and then the Chairperson of the Deacon Board. I constantly feel inadequate, but am humbled by God’s sustaining grace and sovereignty. I am reminded daily that God does not need me, and that it is a joyful privilege to serve God however he calls.

RBS has served an integral role in my life to help structure my studies, to challenge my faith and understanding of Scripture, and to help me build a firmer foundation in reformed doctrine. I cannot express my gratitude and appreciation enough for the staff and faculty of RBS. Through RBS and the opportunities to continue serving in my local church, I am challenged to remember what Paul writes to the church in Philippi, “For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain” (Philippians 1:21). To God be the glory!

By God’s redeeming grace,

John Lai