Graduate Profile: Kevin Gardner, MTS
Do not neglect the gift you have, which was given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you. Practice these things, immerse yourself in them, so that all may see your progress. Keep a close watch on yourself and on the teaching. Persist in this, for by so doing you will save both yourself and your hearers” (1 Tim 4:14–16).
It has been a tremendous blessing to study at Reformed Baptist Seminary. The Master of Theological Studies in Systematics program has challenged me intellectually and academically — for that I am better equipped. It has driven me personally and spiritually to be in awe of God’s greatness and purposes, and for that I am shaped more into the image of Christ.
I began looking for a Systematic Theology program to sharpen me theologically as I continued to serve as a pastor. It needed to be online and I preferred it to be Baptist with some respect to the Reformed confessional tradition. While searching, I acquired a copy of Greg Nichols’ Covenant Theology. The book was so helpful to me and I wondered if he was teaching theology. After some research, I found that he taught many classes at RBS. I began looking at the programs on the site and discovered a Systematic Theology program formatted to what I was looking for. After some time of prayer and counsel, I began studying at RBS.
Reformed Baptist Seminary offers robust, historic, and practical teaching on the doctrines of the Christian faith. My time studying with them has humbled, encouraged, and impacted me to give God the glory he deserves in every thought, word, and deed. Where I was uniformed, my studies brought me up to speed. Where I was in error, the classes corrected me. Where I needed tightening and precision, RBS challenged me with theological definition.
During my studies I have served at Gateway Community Church in Pikeville, NC as the Associate Pastor. My studies have been so practical that I have been able to immediately apply the truths and implications of those truths in ministry. I am thankful for a church that has encouraged and acknowledged God’s grace at work in my life though this seminary journey. They are encouraging and loving to this young pastor! Thank God for his saints.
I praise God for my wife, Brittani, who has been patient with me during this season, reading papers and letting me take up room with more books! She epitomizes King Lemuel’s vision of a God-fearing wife, “surpassing them all.” She is a resplendent mother to our son Houston (our little theologian in the making).
Finally, I thank our Triune God who works all things according to the counsel of his will. This entire journey has been to grow more in the grace of knowledge of him. I have learned more to decrease that he, in all his truth, glory, worth, might increase. Thank you, Lord, for your mercy and patience!
May the God who supplies all give much to the work of Reformed Baptist Seminary for his glory alone!