Reformed Baptist Seminary

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Graduate Profile: Megan Wilhelm (MTS)

“It is the glory of God to conceal things, but the glory of kings is to search things out” (Prov 25:2).

This truth has been my motivation and delight over the past few years of studying at RBS. The joy and privilege of seeking to know God in all of his glory has been multiplied to me as lectures, books, and writing assignments have challenged me to love God with my mind as well as heart, soul, and strength. Even through seasons of difficulty, the responsibility of completing my studies has kept me saturated in the Word, uncovering truths and speaking them to myself until duty becomes delight.

I began taking courses from RBS as part of the qualification process for overseas work with a church planting organization. At the time I began my studies, I was working full-time as a teacher at a classical Christian school and serving in my church in Minden, Nevada. Though I initially did not intend to complete a degree, changing circumstances and a passion for exegetical Bible study led me to pursue a Master of Theological Studies with an emphasis in exegetical theology.

After a 9,400 kilometer move to southeastern Poland, I took a break from my studies and focused on language learning and integration into my new home. After a year of cultural adjustment, the flexibility of RBS allowed me to pick up right where I left off. I even discovered a surprising blessing in the similarities between Greek and Polish grammar!

Having spoken with students who attend the one Baptist seminary in Poland, I recognize what a gift it is to have resources available in my first language, access to truth in so many formats, and the guidance of scholars and pastors who have dedicated their lives to studying God’s word. With RBS, I have been able to receive a high-quality education even within the circumstances of my location and other responsibilities.

Though a theological degree is not required in my area of ministry, higher education is valued in Europe and gives me credibility in my cultural context. More importantly, I know that it is impossible to share what I do not first have within myself. Pursuing my own deeper walk with the Lord and a greater understanding of his word is vital as I challenge both believers and unbelievers in Poland to look to Christ.

I am deeply thankful to Dr. Bob Gonzales, Prof. Michael Emadi, and Dr. Michael Haykin for their instruction. Each of these godly servants have been used by God to reveal truth that changed my perspectives and deepened my relationship with the Lord. I am also grateful for Pastor Jason Ching’s dedicated mentorship and for Pastor Brian Borgman’s labors both as an RBS lecturer and as pastor of my home church.

Megan Wilhelm