Reformed Baptist Seminary

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Graduate Profile: Weijie Wu

I am from Singapore. I have grown up in a Baptist church since I was very young and was baptized in 2015. I just started working full-time, and am a member of Covenant Baptist Church, Singapore.

Being raised in a church environment, I did not give much thought about my salvation and the study of God’s Word. But praise be to God that He opened my eyes in 2019 through discussions with my pastor after Sunday school.

Through these discussions, we discovered the doctrines of grace and the richness of the history of the Particular Baptists! I began sourcing and listening to conferences, and podcasts to learn more about our Baptist roots.

I thank God that He has given me brothers in Christ that continued to sharpen me, that in our discussions we are more aware of the previous gaps in our theology, and the lack of concern and knowledge of God's work in other parts of the world.

I was delighted when RBS started this new certificate in Reformed Baptist studies, which granted me the platform to study theology whilst balancing my local university studies.

I intend to further my studies after I’ve finished my work training, to God be the glory!

Wu Weijie