Need Help Writing a Paper or Thesis?
Need help writing or editing course papers or a master's thesis? Consider using the services of Ian Turner's Ian offers writing tutoring (online or face to face), editing, and proofreading services to professionals, graduate students, and international students. Ian has been teaching, tutoring, and editing academic English since 2004. Upon graduation from ElmhurstCollege (B.A. English), Ian worked as an adjunct professor, teaching English/ESL at local community colleges. After graduate school at Northeastern Illinois University (M.A. Linguistics), Ian taught writing as an adjunct professor at Trinity International University (2012), and did extensive freelance editing for clients ranging from medical companies to theological papers for TEDS professors. His approach to tutoring/ teaching writing, reflected in his M.A. thesis, titled A Discourse-Grounded Approach to Improving Student Writing, is to integrate the insights of Linguistics and Writing Studies to help writers produce better writing. Ian is currently a student of Reformed Baptist Seminary.
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