Reformed Baptist Seminary

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Reformation Conference on Justification

First Baptist Church of the Lakes in Las Vegas Nevada recently hosted a weekend conference to celebrate the Protestant Reformation. The theme of the conference was the Doctrine of Justification, and the featured speakers included Dr. John Pretlove, Rev. Pascal Denault, and Dr. Bob Gonzales. Pretlove opened the conference with a message on the concept of imputation. Gonzales gave three lectures: two developed the meaning, basis, and means of justification, one highlighted the nature of human sin. Finally, Denault expounded the tempation of Christ, demonstrating how Jesus, as the Perfect Adam and Perfect Israel fulfilled God's law and merited redemption for us. The videos and audios of the conference messages are available below.

1. "God's Accounting" - Dr. John Pretlove 

2. "Justification: Solus Christus" - Dr. Bob Gonzales

3. "What's the Deal with Me?! The Nature of Sin" - Dr. Bob Gonzales

4. "Justification: Sola Fide" - Dr. Bob Gonzales

5. "Jesus the Righteous One, Part 1" - Rev. Pascal Denault

6. "Jesus the Righteous One, Part 2" - Rev. Pascal Denault