“To affiliate” is to unite out of a shared interest and for a common purpose. Thus, RBS affiliates are organizations that RBS formally partners with to share resources and to accomplish mutual goals. Thus, when RBS confers “affiliate” status on a sister Reformed Baptist seminary, she has determined that the said seminary shares RBS’s beliefs and vision for church-based seminary education. Moreover, the conferral of affiliate status also signifies that RBS has reviewed that seminary’s programs, faculty, and curriculum and RBS offers its public recognition and approval.
Lusaka Ministerial College
Ronald Kalifungwa, Principal (rkalifungwa@gmail.com)
Kisumu Reformed School of Theology
Contact: Principal, Naphtally Ogallo (nandhogallo@gmail.com)
Website: https://www.gracebaptistkisumu.church/seminary
Copperbelt Christ Ministerial College
Kabwe Kabwe, Principal (kabwemk@gmail.com)
Website: https://cmcndola.org/
Expositor’s Institute, First Baptist Church of Puxico
Contact: Justin Miller (jmill33@gmail.com)
Website: https://www.fbcpuxico.com/expositors-institute