Non-Thesis Divinity Track
The Divinity program is a traditional theological curriculum designed for men who are preparing to serve as pastors, Bible teachers, church-planters, or foreign missionaries. RBS seeks to provide the student with a thorough theological education. To this end we offer training in exegetical, historical, systematic, and practical theology. Moreover, RBS has designed our Divinity curriculum so that those wishing to pursue advanced degrees (Th.M., D.Min., Th.D., Ph.D.) can increase the minimum 97 credit requirement to as much as 106 credits. The student must complete the Divinity program within 8 years from the time of his enrollment.
Applicants without an earned bachelor’s degree (B.A. or B.S.) who wish to pursue the divinity program will work towards the B.Div. degree, whereas those who already have a bachelor’s degree will work towards the M.Div. degree. The requirements and curricula for the B.Div. and M.Div. degrees at RBS are exactly the same.
Thesis-Based Divinity Track
In addition to its standard Divinity program, RBS offers the option of a thesis-based Divinity track. The thesis-based track is designed for students who wish to develop a ministry of writing or pursue further graduate studies.
Only students who demonstrate proficiency in critical thinking and academic writing will be permitted into the thesis-based divinity track. Normally, all students will first be accepted into the standard divinity program. They must complete RW101 and at least two other courses that requires a term paper. If they show proficiency in the writing projects (i.e., final scores of 84% or higher), they may apply for the thesis-based track.
To apply for the thesis-based track the student must submit a two-page thesis proposal in which he highlights the importance of the topic the thesis will address, the basic argument of the thesis, and the tentative methodology the thesis will employ. The academic dean will then bring this initial proposal to select members of the faculty for consideration. If the dean and professors approve the thesis, the dean will inform the student and invite him to register for the 3-credit Divinity Thesis requirement.* Further details for the thesis-based track are outlined on the seminary website, in the student handbook, or in the Divinity Thesis syllabus.
Core Seminary Prep (2 credits)
SP401 Research & Writing (1)
SP402 Logos Academic Training (1)
Core Biblical Languages (18 credits)
BL501 Hebrew 1 (3)
BL502 Hebrew 2 (3)
BL503 Hebrew 3 (3)
BL511 Greek 1 (3)
BL512 Greek 2 (3)
BL513 Greek 3 (3)
Core Exegetical Theology (15 credits)
ET500 Hermeneutics (3)
ET510 OT Introduction (3)
ET515 NT Introduction (3)
ET631 OT Theology (4)
ET632 NT Theology (2)
Core Systematic Theology (29 credits)
ST501 Apologetics (3)
ST502 The Word (3)
ST503 God & Decree (3)
ST504 Man & Sin (3)
ST505 Christ & Covenants (3)
ST506 Salvation (3)
ST507 Holy Spirit (3)
ST508 Church (3)
ST509 Last Things (2)
ST510 Ethics (3)
Core Historical Theology (15 credits)
HT510 Creeds & Confessions (3)
HT611 Early Church (3)
HT612 Medieval Church (3)
HT613 Reformation Church (3)
HT614 Modern Church (3)
Core Practical Theology (16 credits)
PT601 Call & Cultivation (2)
PT602 Expository Preaching (3)
PT608 Preaching Practicum (2)
PT610 Pastoral Theology (2)
PT612 Church Ministry (2)
PT619 Ministerial Practicum (3)
PT650 Missions (2)
Core Biblical Counseling (2 credits)
BL610 Pastoral Counseling (2)
ET663 Message of Isaiah (2)
ET675 Message of Acts (2)
HT521 Particular Baptists (2)
ST511 Polemics (2)
MT700 Divinity Thesis (3)
Total Required "Core" Divinity Credits - 97
Total Possible Divinity Credits - 108
*There are no tuition fees for the Divinity Thesis. There is, however, a one-time thesis advisory fee of $600. This fee shall be used to remunerate the student’s advisor for his guidance and grading services and to cover any administrative expenses. Additionally, the student must pay the semester enrollment fee as long as it takes him to complete the thesis.