For many who come to understand the doctrines of grace and the broad perspectives of Reformed theology, covenant theology can be confusing. Grace Community Church, in conjunction with Reformed Baptist Seminary, will be offering a seminar series on Covenant Theology. The first seminar provided an overview of the different views of covenant theology. This second seminar will focus on the creation covenant and consider the ways in which Reformed theologians understand this covenant. Dr Robert Gonzales will discuss the ways in which divine-human covenants have been defined and will marshal exegetical and theological evidence for a creation covenant. Dr Brian Borgman will present an argument for viewing the creation covenant between God and Adam as a “covenant of works.” Pastor Keller Hackbusch will present the way in which progressive covenantalism understands the creation covenant. For the location, date, and times of the lectures, see the flier below. To register please RSVP Grace Community Church at 775-782-6516 or