What is a Host Church?

RBS partners with host churches to offer students and auditors in various geographic regions the opportunity to attend live teaching from RBS approved lecturers. Hosting a Live Module is a great opportunity for churches to partner together in offering theological education to RBS students and auditors, including the host church’s own members. RBS works with the host church to provide an instructor, record the lectures, and then make the content available to all RBS students and auditors through its online platforms.

can our church host a live module?

The logistics and costs for planning and executing Live Modules are many. We understand that churches have differing capacities, capabilities, and locations that may or may not be conducive to hosting. Please see the steps below before applying to host a live module.

Next Steps for Applying to Host a Live Module

If you are interested in hosting a Live Module, please proceed with the below steps:

  1. Read our Live Module Manual. You will indicate in the application that you have read and agree to our policies and procedures.

  2. Review all of the responsibilities listed in our Live Module Manual. Discuss these with the leadership at your church. You will specify in your application all of the responsibilities you plan to pay for and provide.

  3. Review the following list of costs RBS incurs for planning and executing Live Modules. These include: lecturer honorarium, travel, lodging and meals; RBS staff travel, lodging, and meals; RBS staff time to record, edit, and upload audio and video content; RBS staff time to plan, provide registration, and advertise; audio-visual and lighting equipment and supplies; refreshments (e.g. water, coffee), meals, lodging, and transportation for RBS students and/or auditors; hiring a professional videographer to record the lectures when RBS staff is unable to attend the module; hiring a professional editor when RBS staff is unable to devote time to editing lecture audios and videos; recording and editing equipment and software; miscellaneous supplies. Please discuss these costs with your church leadership and be prepared in your application to indicate whether you plan to donate to RBS for its Live Module costs, and if so, how much.

  4. Identify an existing course in one of our programs that you think the lectures will contribute towards. The proposed live module could either be added to or replace previous lectures in one of our existing courses. You will specify this course in your application. If there is not an existing course, you must propose in your application a new course offering and how these lectures will contribute to that new course.

  5. Contact one of our approved lecturers or email us to seek approval for a new lecturer. This must be done before you submit your application. The lecturer must be identified in your application and have already agreed with you to lecture at your proposed location and time before you submit your application.

  6. After receiving your application, RBS will communicate with the primary contact provided in the application. Once all of the parties are listed and their responsibilities agreed to, RBS will generate a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The host church’s leadership and RBS will both sign this MoU before proceeding with advertising, registration, announcements or any further planning for the potential Live Module. Please refrain from announcing or marketing the potential Live Module until after the MoU has been signed by both RBS and a leader of your church.