Our Partnership with Logos

As an online distance learning seminary, RBS desires to equip its students with the best tools for doing biblical research and for writing quality papers or theses. To that end Reformed Baptist Seminary has a partnership with Logos Bible Software (from Faithlife), wherein the seminary will require all incoming students to purchase a Logos “base package” of Bronze, Silver, Gold, or higher. The student will receive a 50% discount. The software is available for PC and Mac (Chromebooks are currently NOT supported). 

Special Offer for RBS Students and Faculty Members

Logos offers the 50% discount to RBS students who purchase a base package. Students that already own an earlier version of Logos or a base package below Bronze may qualify for a 30% academic discount on an upgrade (see below) to the latest version of Logos Bronze or higher, provided that they agree to purchase the upgrade and take our Logos course. 

To qualify for this partnership and discount, the seminary must purchase new base packages in bulk. New students must sign up to order the software and the Logos Training course (see below). RBS then places a bulk order in the first week of the semester, and another order near the new student enrollment deadline (see academic calendar). After we place the order, Faithlife (Logos) will email each student with a link and instructions to download the software.

Base Packages

When completing the "Logos Software Signup" form below, you must also select the package you want, either “Standard,” "Reformed," or "Baptist.” To compare the packages and versions, visit the Logos comparison tool

When you sign up for the software, you'll also be committing to take the RBS course LT10x: Logos Academic Training. When you register as a new student, we will enroll you in RW101 and LT10x. You will be invoiced in Populi for your package and for your LT10x tuition.

* All new students must complete the sign-up form below, even if you already own Logos and just want an upgrade.

Upgrade Only Option

If you already own Logos and want to upgrade to one of the packages that we require for you to own as a RBS student, you will order directly through Logos. However, please still complete the form below and select "upgrade." After you complete your sign-up form, we will enroll you in LT10x and you will receive a student ID so you can contact Logos directly to purchase your upgrade package.

Software Payment

After you complete the sign up form below, you will find an invoice to pay in your Populi account. You can pay by credit card within Populi. Credit card payments cost an additional 2.9% + $0.30 per transaction.

Also, if you are a student, we require you to pay at least half of your semester registration fee before we can add your order to the batch.

Logos Software Signup

Please click the button below and complete the Logos sign up form.