Reformed Baptist Seminary

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Graduate Profile: Sam Barber, MABC

 I grew up near Savannah, GA, and after completing my B.A. at Bethlehem College in Minneapolis, MN, I moved back and took a job teaching Latin, Greek, and Theology at a classical Christian school in the Savannah area. I graduated in 2015 with an M.T.S. from Reformed Baptist Seminary. In 2017 I left my job as a school-teacher and began serving full-time as the associate pastor of Redeemer Baptist Church in a suburb just outside of Savannah, Georgia.

I spend most of my time counseling members of the church and our larger community, but I also preach regularly, plan and lead our weekly worship services, lead a small group, and oversee many ministries of the church. I am fortunate to serve alongside Nick Kennicott whose help through this process is beyond telling. The prayers of the members of Redeemer Baptist Church have carried me to the finish line, as well. My parents have been exceedingly gracious in their words, prayers, and support of this pursuit. I’m grateful to my loving and gracious wife and children without whose patience and “cheering on” I could not have finished this degree. I’m thankful that God has sustained me and my family during this time; he deserves all the praise.

RBS’ insistence on training men in connection with their local churches has proven invaluable to me. I have been able to prepare for ministry in the context of actually doing ministry. Practically, RBS has been instrumental in expanding my trust in and love for the Word of God. Every class I have taken confirms and reaffirms the gospel, which is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes. Every ounce of ministry that I do is strengthened by the knowledge that God’s Word accomplishes the work for which it is sent, and I thank God for Reformed Baptist Seminary and the emphasis on the authority, necessity, and sufficiency of the Word of God. I have also benefited from the school’s emphasis on experimental Christianity. The classes at RBS are not only academically rigorous but are experientially rewarding. I believe that they have made me a more practical and pastoral student, teacher, and preacher of the Word of God. The classes with CCEF and the certification process with ACBC have been similarly rewarding, as well.

Lastly, my plans for the future are simple. I love counseling and want to devote my life to the ministry of the gospel wherever in the world I may be most useful for the advancement of God’s kingdom. I do plan to pursue further education (I hope to start a D.Min. in 2021) to continue to grow in my understanding of and ability to offer solid, biblical counseling. I love the Savannah area and I would love to spend years raising my family and being a part of the work that God is doing here at Redeemer Baptist Church, but my prayer is that God’s will—and not mine—would be done.