Reformed Baptist Seminary

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Coming Soon: Going Beyond the Five Points

Coming soon through is a special print on demand project called Going Beyond the Five Points which will be available in soft back and e-book. The book will feature contributions from three Reformed Baptist pastor-theologians who lecture for Reformed Baptist Seminary. The burden of the anthology will be to a encourage a more comprehensive present-day reformation beyond the famous “five points" of Calvinism. Issues addressed include the abiding relevance of the Ten Commandments, God-centered worship, the masterful unfolding of God's great plan of redemption through divine covenants, the identity, nature, and work of the church, and the help that confessions of faith lend to our grasp of God’s glorious Word. For a brief look at the Table of Contents, Editor's Preface, the Forward, and some endorsements, click on the link below. 

Going Beyond the Five Points