Profiting from God's Word: A Meditation by Greg Nichols
As we transitioned to a “new year,” many of us resolved to spend more quality time in the Scriptures. In light of this, I’d like to encourage my readers and especially the students of Reformed Baptist Seminary to invest just twenty-minutes and watch the video below. Pastor Greg Nichols, a professor of Systematic Theology for RBS, develops the theme of profiting from God’s word under the headings of hungering for, sitting humbly under, and walking in obedience to the word of God. From 1980 to 1988, Pastor Nichols gave this address to his seminary students at Trinity Ministerial Academy once a year. He was recently invited by Dr. Joel Beeke to deliver this exhortation to the students of Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary at a weekly chapel service. May the Lord grant us all a greater love for and conformity to the teachings of his inspired Word!
PRTS Chapel Series-Rev. Greg Nichols, November 16, 2011 from Puritan Reformed on Vimeo.