Spiritual Warfare by Borgman and Ventura
A Reformed Baptist Seminary professor and graduate have collaborated to write an excellent and practical book on the topic of "spiritual warfare." Pastors Brian Borgman and Rob Ventura affirm the reality of demonic "principalities and powers" against which the Christian must war. But they avoid the imbalance found in some literature on this topic that encourages the believer to look for a demon behind every door, under every table, and inside every cupboard. Below you can browse the table of contents, preface, and introduction.
Publishers Description
Too often, Christians today either sensationalize the subject of spiritual warfare by obsessing over demon possession, exorcisms, binding the devil, and rebuking demons, or they minimize the idea and are unprepared for the real struggle they face against principalities and powers. Pastors Brian Borgman and Rob Ventura provide a balanced approach that exposes the fictions and superstitions surrounding this vital doctrine and at the same time reveal the unseen realities of this struggle. Basing their battle plan on Ephesians 6:10–20, the authors give an overview of the battle, a guide to the armor God gives us, and instruction regarding the vital wartime disciplines of prayer and proclamation of the Word. By learning to think biblically about this subject, Christians are enabled to deflect the blows of their adversary, fight sin, and live God-glorifying lives as followers of Jesus.
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Some Endorsements
“Spiritual Warfare is thoughtful, biblical, theological, accessible, and impactful. The book is exegetical and expository without feeling like a commentary or running homily. In it, authors Borgman and Ventura make much of Christ and what He has done without negating the reality of our adversary and the real danger he presents, as well as our call to faith, righteousness, prayer, and perseverance that flows directly from our Savior’s finished work. What a timely, refreshing, encouraging, convicting, and empowering book! I can’t wait to get it in front of our people.” — Voddie Baucham Jr. serves as pastor of preaching at Grace Family Baptist Church in Spring, Texas, and is author ofFamily Shepherds.
“Many voices in our day present a version of spiritual warfare in which Satan seems to hold the position of prominence—even preeminence. Christians are left to wonder what magic spell or formulaic expressions can be invoked to see their demons excised. Yet, since Christ has triumphed over all the forces of darkness, His people should grow in hope and faith as they look to Christ. Brian Borgman and Rob Ventura present one of the finest and most biblically responsible and insightful studies of spiritual warfare now available. While they account fully for the reality of Satan’s deception, cunning, and power, they give greater stress (as they ought!) to the superior and indefatigable victory and sovereign reign of Christ. Christians need the message of this book. Satan, indeed, is a real and present danger, but Christ is our real, risen, and reigning hope! Spiritual Warfare guides readers into a clear and grace-empowered understanding of these truths.” — Bruce A. Ware, professor of Christian Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
"Standing in a long line of Puritan-style reflection on the nature of spiritual warfare, Borgman and Ventura have produced a brief but remarkably rich book which offers very helpful insights on this subject. The thoughtful reader will find here sobering meditations on the power of evil and sin but also be pointed to the great encouragement to be found in the word of God and supremely in the Lord Jesus Christ. This volume is both a helpful pastoral tool and a fine devotional book." - Carl R. Trueman, Paul Woolley Professor of Church History, Westminster Theological Seminary, Pa.