Reformed Baptist Seminary

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The Baptist Confession in Modern English

I'm a fan of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. It's basically a modest revision of the famous Westminster Confession of Faith and the Savoy Declaration. As such it serves as an excellent compendium of Reformed theology with a Baptist ecclesiology. But, as I've argued elsewhere, the Elizabethan English of these great 17th century confessions makes them less accessible to 21st Americans. For this reason, I'm happy to recommend a new update in Modern English. 

My friend and brother, Dr. Stan Reeves, has spent many days and hours updating the older language into modern English, striving to preserve the theological intent while proving a rendering that's readable and intelligible. Here's an excerpt from the forward by Dr. Michael Haykin:

The truths that this confession promoted fell out of favor for much of the twentieth century, but in the last fifty years there has been a great recovery of gospel truth among Evangelicals and once again there are those deeply committed to the doctrines of this confession. The English language, however, has changed over time, and just as there are phrases in the Authorized Version (1611), also known as the King James Version, that are no longer as clear as they once were due to linguistic change, so it is the case with the 1689 Confession. For this reason, this new rendition of the confession by Dr. Reeves is indeed welcome. He has sought to render it readable by the typical twenty-first-century Christian reader, but with minimal change and without sacrificing any of the riches of the original text. I believe he has succeeded admirably in both of these aims.

From the Foreword
Michael A.G. Haykin
Professor of Church History
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Louisville, KY

To order your copy click here or on the image of the Confession above.

Bob Gonzales, Dean
Reformed Baptist Seminary