Dr Gonzales Teaches Doctrine of Scripture at the Reformed Seminary of Latin America

I recently had the privilege of delivering thirty lectures on the doctrine of Scripture at El Seminario Reformado de Latinoamerica (Reformed Seminary of Latin America), which is located in Medellín, Colombia. The seminary is under the oversight of La Iglesia Bautista Reformada "La Gracia de Dios" (The Reformed Baptist Church of God's Grace) in Medellin, as well as a board of directors that includes Dr Noé Acosta, the Executive Director of Gospel Through Colombia. The mission of the seminary (SLR) is to provide sound theological education to Spanish speaking pastors and ministeral aspirants and to promote revival and reformation among already existing evangelical churches throughout Latin America.
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Kevin DeYoung's The Hole in Our Holiness: A Review by Bill Streger

Kevin DeYoung’s The Hole In Our Holiness could not have come at a better time. In recent years, the Church has experienced a renewal of interest in reformed theology, and this has been a great blessing from the Lord. Rather than pursuing a ministry that eschews theological depth, many young pastors have embraced the theological tradition of the reformation with a renewed passion and vigor. Church members are laying aside doctrinal pabulum of many evangelical publishing houses and are beginning to plumb the depths of the Puritans, the Reformers, and the great pastors and evangelists who have gone before.
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The Annual Dean's Report

I’d like to begin this report by thanking those of you who have prayed for the ministry of Reformed Baptist Seminary. By God’s grace and your prayers, we’ve been able to accomplish a number of goals over the past year and hope to complete several more in the coming year toward the end of fulfilling our mission as a church-based ministerial academy
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Pascal Denault on the Covenant Theology of the 1689 Baptist Confession

Pascal Denault is an ordained minister of a Reformed Baptist church in Quebec and is the author of The Distinctiveness of Baptist Covenant Theology. In four video/audio lectures below, Pascal discusses the covenant theology of the Second London Baptist Confession of 1689. First, he examines the "covenant of works" as it is formulated in the Westminster Confession, Savoy Declaration, and Second London Baptist Confession in lecture one. Next, in lecture two, he summarizes the "covenant of grace" as it has been traditionally formulated among Reformed and Paedobaptist theologians. In the third lecture,
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Dr Gonzales's Two Lectures on the Validity and Value of Confessions of Faith

Should a church or association of churches adopt and affirm a written confession of faith? Or is a simple commitment to the Scripture or NT as the church's creed sufficient? In the two-part lecture series below, Dr Bob Gonzales defines a creed or confession of faith and presents three arguments to validate its use in the church. He also seeks to address and answer common objections to the use of creeds or confessions in the church. In the second lecture, Gonzales highlights a number of ways in which a good confession of faith can benefit the ministry of the church. These lectures form a part of RBS's course HT 501 Creeds & Confessions.
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Reformation Conference on Justification

First Baptist Church of the Lakes in Las Vegas Nevada recently hosted a weekend conference to celebrate the Protestant Reformation. The theme of the conference was the Doctrine of Justification, and the featured speakers included Dr. John Pretlove, Rev. Pascal Denault, and Dr. Bob Gonzales. Pretlove opened the conference with a message on the concept of imputation. Gonzales gave three lectures: two developed the meaning, basis, and means of justification, one highlighted the nature of human sin. Finally, Denault expounded the tempation of Christ, demonstrating how Jesus, as the Perfect Adam and Perfect Israel fulfilled God's law and merited redemption for us. The videos and audios of the conference messages are available below.
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