Ventura's Commentary on Romans: A Review

Unlike many “practical” or “homiletical” commentaries, this is not a simple reprinting of Ventura’s own sermons through the book of Romans. It is not filled with anecdotes or illustrations, but straightforward exegesis that bypasses much of the technical minutia that is often found in other commentaries. In other words, Ventura does the homework that busy pastors are not often able to get to in their weekly sermon preparation. For example, while most preachers are familiar with the Greek language, they readily admit their inability to commit meaningful time to studying the nuances of each text in significant detail. Here, Ventura highlights where there are important words and phrases to take note of that can be missed in the English translations. He is careful not to write the sermon or Bible study for the reader but provides enough information to keep the train on the rails.

One aspect of Ventura’s work that I think many preachers and Bible teachers will find helpful is the “suggested applications from the text for the non-Christian.” While preaching is primarily for the church, there are always non-believers in a congregation who need to be challenged in their thinking and beliefs and called to faith in Jesus Christ. Many commentaries (and as a result, unfortunately, much preaching) are so focused on the particulars of the text that the idea of preaching for conversions is often lost. It is the responsibility of the preacher to proclaim the free and well-meant offer of the gospel, and sermons are not Christian sermons if they are void of the gospel. In this volume, Ventura helps those who stand behind the sacred desk to consider how each passage can be brought to bear on the souls of those who remain in darkness and call them into the marvelous light. There are also “suggested applications from the text for the church” that are particularly helpful in some of the more complex theological passages of the epistle. Many pastors and Bible teachers struggle to apply doctrinally heavy passages in sermons and Bible studies. The suggested applications are simple and can be used to provoke further thoughts about how each text can be made relevant to the listener.

Since there are so many commentaries available on Romans, it can be an overwhelming task to try to mine the riches of what others have written throughout the history of the Church. It would take even the most avid reader years to get through everything that has been written about Paul’s epistle. Thankfully, Ventura provides helpful quotes and insights from the early church fathers, reformers, Puritans, and modern theologians from various theological backgrounds while maintaining a distinct, confessionally reformed, and baptistic focus. In many ways, Ventura’s commentary serves as a compendium of the best of what other great expositors have said about the text.

My favorite section of this commentary is chapter 11. Undoubtedly, the meaning of Romans 11 is one of the most disputed chapters of the Bible. It is not my favorite section because I agree with Ventura’s conclusions, although I do, but because he deals honestly and straightforwardly with other perspectives while providing a clear explanation of what he believes the text is teaching. Ventura writes, “I realize that there are good and godly commentators and pastors who will differ with some of my perspectives on this chapter. None of this should cause animosity between us. Rather we should have Christian love for each other (John 13:35) and open dialogue as we seek to sharpen one another (Prov. 27:17).” Preachers and Bible teachers serve their congregations well when they are honest about their understanding of a passage not being the only interpretation, and Ventura does a great job in modeling how a humble servant can approach textual challenges with reverence. Honesty about difficult texts builds trust between a preacher/teacher and their listeners, allowing them to then give their best effort at explaining what they have concluded.

Preaching through the book of Romans was one of the most rewarding experiences in my pastoral ministry thus far. It is a book filled with glorious truth that will make any believer’s heart sing. I hope to have an opportunity to do it all over again in the future, and when I do, Expository Outlines & Observations on Romans will be the first resource I consult each week. It is refreshing to have a trustworthy tool that does not claim to be the one that will make all others obsolete. This commentary will help busy students of the Word of God focus on the best of what’s available alongside a helpful, straightforward, practical, exegetical approach to the text.

By Nicholas Kennicott

First published on the Marrow Ministries ( (Used with permission).


Nicholas Kennicott

Pastor Nick has been a pastor at Emmanuel Baptist Church since March 2022. Prior to coming to EBC, pastor Nick served as the senior pastor of Redeemer Baptist Church in Rincon, Georgia (a suburb of Savannah) for nearly 15 years. He is married to Felicia and has two daughters, Eva and Abry, and a son, Nicholas. He is originally from Franktown, Colorado. Pastor Nick is a former US Army Airborne Ranger (1/75th Ranger Regiment) and combat veteran (Iraq and Afghanistan). He is a graduate of The Baptist College of Florida (BS Biblical Studies) and Knox Theological Seminary (MA Classical and Christian Studies), and is currently pursuing his Ph.D. at Faulkner University (Dissertation: “Critical Theory, Postmodernism, and the West’s Embrace of Marxism”). He is the co-Author of "In Praise of Old Guys: Pastoral Mentorship, Humility, and the Dangers of Youth," co-founder and contributor to Marrow Ministries, and a regular contributor to The Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals, Reformation21, The Christward Collective, Bible Study Magazine, and Ligonier Magazine. In 2013 Pastor Nick founded the Institute of Pastoral and Theological Training (IPTT) in Egbe, Nigeria. He is also on the teaching faculty of the Reformed Baptist Seminary.