Why I am Still a Baptist

Why I am Still a Baptist

In this article, Bob Gonzales appeals to a major shift in redemptive history, which the apostle John highlights in John 1:12–13 as support for believer baptism.

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Do the Work of an Evangelist

Do the Work of an Evangelist

To go, therefore, is a command requiring feet on the pavement, a Bible in hand, and love in the heart. Reaching out to those who will never enter a church is as relevant today as it was when Jesus and Paul did it.

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Learning from Andrew Fuller

Learning from Andrew Fuller

In reflecting upon the piety of Andrew Fuller, one learns of the centrality of Christ, the importance of law and gospel, the blessing of ministerial fellowship, and a proper view of responsibility and dependency in the Christian life.

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You Are Not a David! Or Are You?

You Are Not a David! Or Are You?

We should never preach the moral examples outside the context of redemptive grace. But within the context of the Gospel, we should preach OT examples, after all, they all had like natures as ours, even David.

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Ventura's Commentary on Romans: A Review

Ventura's Commentary on Romans: A Review

Since there are so many commentaries available on Romans, it can be an overwhelming task to try to mine the riches of what others have written throughout the history of the Church. Ventura’s commentary serves as a compendium of the best of what other great expositors have said about the text.

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