Faculty Profile: Brian Borgman
/Brian serves as a RBS Board Member and lectures in Preaching and Teaching, Apologetics, and the Doctrine of Salvation.
I was raised Catholic. My parents came to faith in Christ in the late 1970s. God worked powerfully through His Word as I read it, came under deeper conviction, and finally had peace in knowing Jesus.
Ariel and I have been married since 1987. I have three grown children, Ashley, Zach, and Alex. I have three grandsons through my daughter Ashley and son-in-law Seth, Calvin Owen, Sean Michael, Elliott Daniel.
Brian has a B.A. from Biola University, a M.Div. from Western Conservative Baptist Seminary, a D.Min. from Westminster Seminary California, and is currently pursuing a Th.M. at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.
Brian planted Grace Community Church in Minden, NV in 1994 and currently serves as a pastor there.
Research Interests and Hobbies
Brian is currently pursuing research on Jonathan Edwards and the book of Ecclesiastes. He enjoys hunting, golfing, and hanging out with his grandkids.