Nepal Report, Doctrine of God

RBS’s training ministry in Nepal has been postponed for the past three years due to the pandemic. But this past fall, we resumed our theological modules. On November 6–10, Pastor Jamie Howell came and gave fourteen lectures to our men on the Doctrine of God. His teaching was pastoral, which was so effective and encouraging for all of us. He addressed such topics as the knowledge of God, the divine essence, the Holy Trinity, God’s incommunicable and communicable attributes, the sovereignty of God, the decrees of God, and divine providence. For each of these topics, he offered biblical exposition and brought out the practical implications. It was so much encouraging for our souls and edified from this teaching.

Additionally, Pastor Howell spoke on pastoral humility, perseverance, and philosophy of ministry. This was such a challenge and encouragement for all of us as we labor in the mission field. Pastor Howell also helped us in expository preaching and sermon preparation. We know it wasn’t easy for him to speak continuously 4 to 5 sessions a day. Our men and some women attendees were so much blessed through this conference.

This is so edifying for our men in their pastoral ministry. We thank Pastor Jamie Howell for His humble service. We thank his family members and church members for allowing him to come to Nepal and help us. Likewise, we also thank RBS dean for arranging and sending Jamie for this module. Thank you RBS your partnership for the gospel work in Nepal. Your partnership with us on training our men is being such a blessing and edifying for the local churches in this needy land. Finally, we thank HeartCry Missionary society for the partnership on this project, and supporting us financially in this conference. Our partnership together for the gospel work is being helpful for the extension of His Kingdom in Nepal. Glory to God alone!

In Him,
The Brothers in Nepal