Bible Translation Fellowship


Kyle D. worked at RBS as the Dean's Assistant from 2016-2019. He has also been working as a Pastoral Assistant at Immanuel Baptist Church in Sacramento since 2017. In December 2019 Kyle left RBS so he could devote more time to building the ministry of Bible Translation Fellowship (BTF).

BTF is laboring to integrate Bible translation into the mission of the church. 

Kyle is the Founder and Executive Director of BTF, supported men like Paul Washer, Conrad Mbewe, and Joel Beeke.

Kyle and his wife Hannah have aspired to serve the Lord overseas for more than 15 years but have been providentially hindered by various health trials. Kyle has a BA in Philosophy and Organizational Leadership, a MA in Bible Translation, a MA in Biblical Counseling, a MDiv focused on the biblical languages, and a ThM in New Testament. Hannah has training and experience in Biblical Counseling, disciples women through inductive Bible study, and has served as a women’s small group leader with Simeon Trust.
To support Kyle and Hannah, please give to the BTF general fund, which provides for their personal and ministry expenses. The majority of Kyle’s time will be spent as a Translation Consultant, though he will continue to lead BTF in advocating, recruiting, and networking.

By supporting Kyle & Hannah, you partner with BTF to advocate, recruit, network, and provide consulting services for the integration of Bible translation with the mission of the church.

Please pray for and consider partnering with BTF. You can also join the BTF Network to find people and ministries to partner with, follow BTF on Twitter, and be an advocate for the integration of Bible translation with the mission of the church.

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