Creeds & Confessions: Five-Day Seminar
Reformed Baptist Seminary is offering a three-credit course on symbolics entitled "Creeds & Confessions." Michael Haykin (PhD) and Tom Nettles (PhD) will lecture on the history of creeds and confessions with a special focus on the origins, composition, and legacy of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689. Bob Gonzales (PhD) will address the biblical basis for creeds and provide an exposition of the Confession's doctrine of Scripture. Pascal Denault (ThM) will lecture on the covenant theology of the Confession. Finally, Tom Ascol (PhD) will expound the Confession's chapters on the gospel and on the church as well as discuss some pastoral issues related to the use of confessions and catechisms in the church's life and ministry.
First Baptist Church of the Lakes of Las Vegas, Nevada, will host the module on the week of October 27 thru 31, 2014. Join us for a time of biblical instruction and rich fellowship. For a lecture schedule, registration form, and course syllabus (with required and recommended reading), click here. For more information, contact us directly.