Reformed Baptist Seminary

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Graduate Profile: Brett Wagner (MATS)

In 1997 I finished Knowing God by J.I. Packer, closed the book, and prayed, “Lord, I want to help others know you. Please direct my steps as to how I can serve you and your church.” That book and that prayer would set a course for serving in my local church, eventually being ordained to pastoral ministry in 2004, and by God’s preserving grace, now serving as a pastor at Veritas Church in Roseville, CA.

This adventure of pastoral ministry has not always been “ideal,” and in some ways, the order of events has been irregular. Although I had taken a two-year course at a local Bible College early on, much of my early theological growth came by chasing footnotes within helpful books that further promoted learning, watching, and listening to sound doctrine. Eventually, I knew I must enroll in seminary to give dedicated focus to my theological education and attempt to close some gaps in my self-study. Upon hearing about Reformed Baptist Seminary, two factors immediately grabbed my attention: for one, the ability to take classes while remaining in my local church was a huge benefit. Secondly, as I was living about 45 minutes away from Sacramento, I could attend various modules and even connect with several professors and board members during my enrollment. Working through the discipline of reading, listening, synthesizing information, writing papers, and being tested has served me well, and I am thankful for the program.

Being married to my wife Annie for nearly 24 years and raising our four children has been the sweetest part of this journey. Through ministry woes and rejoicings, Annie has been a wonderfully gracious helper and encouragement. We stand in awe of how good the Lord has been to us and what a privilege it is to be reconciled to God and serve his body.

As I complete my time at RBS, I find myself again praying, “Lord, I want to help others know you. Please continue to direct my steps so that I might serve you and your church.”

Soli Deo Gloria

Brett Wagner