Graduate Profile: Jonathan Jn. Baptiste, MTS


"Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus" (Phil 3:13–14).

In his providence, The Lord has seen me through my studies during many turbulent seasons; he has caused me to persevere to the end—All glory to him.

I am thankful that God provided me with the support of my loving wife of 18 years, Janella, who has been patient as we raise our son Jadon and continue to labor in God's vineyard. I am a Bi-vocational Pastor and pursued Reformed theological studies to extend my theological education while serving the local church. I feel privileged to have been able to realize tremendous enrichment throughout my studies, which has also enabled me to establish some great friendships with students and faculty during live modules. This experience has further equipped me for extension of the ministry at Faith Baptist Church, BVI, where I have been serving as an Associate Pastor (from 2009 to present) along with Dr Derry Hodge and Senior Pastor Cecil Parillon.

Several years ago, I was in search of an opportunity to pursue theological studies and faced the challenge many students have encountered with regards to program selection—influenced mainly by costs and on-campus training. A diligent inquiry led me to a few options. However, it was not until late 2009, that I discovered the program at RBS and realized the Lord had tailored a program of study for me. This learning journey has strengthened my Christian walk and ministry—thanks to the mentoring and training received. Over the years, the Lord has used several pastoral colleagues to encourage me to progress in my theological studies, to include Dr. Hensworth W C Jonas, Dr. Derry A Hodge, Dr. Glendon Thompson of Toronto Baptist Seminary. However, my family and I wish to acknowledge the continuous efforts of Dr. Gonzales. In many ways, his stirring encouragement to me and willingness to provide needed counsel kept me accountable as a steward of faith throughout my studies.

I'm forever grateful to God for my humble upbringing in my native homeland, St. Lucia where I began my earlier Christian walk and ministry. As I reflect on this journey leading to this moment, I count it a privilege to have been allowed to pursue this very beneficial program of study. I am motivated to persevere in laboring in the Lord's vineyard, assured that God is sufficient for all that I need to continue.

As I continue ministry at Faith Baptist Church, I desire to aid the equipping of men and women who wish to pursue biblical studies. For this reason, beyond the MTS degree, I intend to extend my education by pursuing the MDiv and ThM degrees and do as much as the Lord permits. I am a witness that we advance in this faith-walk, leaning on the Lord and trusting in his provision. As a former long-distance athlete, I continue to strain forward until I reach the desired goal.

Jonathan A Jn. Baptiste