Reformed Baptist Seminary

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Graduate Profile: Luciano Jean-Marie-Flore, MTS

My name is Luciano Jean-Marie-Flore, I am from Martinique in the Caribbean. I live in the southern side of the island with my wife Manuella, and we have together a son who is currently in 2nd grade, and we worship at Rivière-Salée Baptist Church. I converted in 1999 and served the church in Sunday school, in the choir, and in a worship group, and now as an elder. In 2012, I enrolled in Toronto Baptist Seminary in Canada, and I was expecting to complete my studies in 2017, but my initial plan took an unexpected turn. A few weeks after we moved in our new flat in Toronto, my wife got pregnant and a month later, she was hospitalized in an emergency state. We knew that this pregnancy was going to be particularly challenging because we went through these experiences before, and to be overseas and deal with another high-risk pregnancy was for us scary. By the sovereign hand of God, we were directed in a high risk pregnancy hospital. This pregnancy changed our plan in Toronto and in December 2013 my wife and my son Ezekiel move back in Martinique and I joined them later in May 2014.

How did I come to know RBS? In 2014 summer, a group from my church and I took part of the 22nd Caribbean Baptist Heritage Conference in Antigua, and the guest of the conference was Dr. Sam Waldron. He introduced my Pastor Dr. Ambroisine to RBS, and after their discussion, my Pastor recommended that I study at RBS.

A few month later I enrolled in the seminary, and to be honest, when I started the online courses, I had no idea where I was heading because I did not have any experience in online courses. Today, six years later, I see the end of the road, and I am happy to write down these words for the completion of my degree. I must say it was a long road, but I am grateful to God that He strengthen me all along my studies. I am thankful to Him for the online campus at RBS, I found the quality of the courses outstanding, and the commitment of the board to keep the education costs affordable is awesome. I liked how the lecturers are dedicated, passionate and ready to share their knowledge with no superiority of mind, it is wonderful. I received exceptional training, and I am well-equipped to work in the field with confidence and I feel privileged. Today I have a better understanding of my Bible, I have the conviction that I grew up in many aspects of my life, and I am happy to be able to share what I have learned at the seminary.

Leaving Toronto in 2014 was heartbreaking, but in hindsight I praise God for His perfect knowledge of the future, and for the way He managed everything from start to finish, leading me to this accomplishment.
I thank RBS for having me during these six years, I thank my local church for supporting me in prayer, I thank my wife and son for the daily support and sacrifices made to move me forward, and of course I thank the Lord Jesus for the blessings that He has given me during the last six years. Now, I am waiting to see where the Lord will call me and my family to serve Him.

Scripture says in Romans 10:14-17:
“How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!’ But they have not all obeyed the gospel. For Isaiah says, ‘Lord, who has believed what he has heard from us?’ So faith comes from hearing, and hearing through the word of Christ.”

I just want to leave a few words in French for those who are interested in Biblical studies.
RBS est un campus de qualité qui offre aux élèves des bases théologiques solides pour travailler dans le ministère. J’ai eu le privilège de me former auprès de professeurs très calés dans leur domaine, passionnés par ce qu’ils font avec une très bonne pédagogie. Le campus en ligne fonctionne parfaitement, le tarif des cours est très imbattable, les ressources sont de bonnes qualités, et les modules sont conçus pour permettre aux étudiants de suivent une formation en toute sérénité.