Graduate Profile: Taylor Walls, MDiv


Before the foundation of the world, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit perfectly planned the carrying out of the redemption of the elect. Each member has his role, the Father in election, the son in being incarnate and suffering and dying, and the Holy Spirit who regenerates and seals us. However, one of the most glorious and humbling truths, is that the triune God even includes us in the carrying out of this glorious plan of salvation. God has chosen the means of the preaching of the Word by earthen-vessel ministers (2 Corinthians 4) in order to call the lost unto himself and to sanctify the redeemed. This calling to serve in the church is a great and high calling that requires the utmost attention and commitment.
The Scriptures teach that it is the responsibility of the church and its leaders to train up men in the truth in order to serve the next generation of the church (2 Tim 2:2). RBS’s emphasis on seminary within the local church has been a huge blessing to accommodate my particular situation and to help foster a relationship between me and the leadership of my local church so that I might be trained up in the context of the local church. Due to my ministry context, it has been a blessing to be able to take my studies on the field with me and to have the flexibility that comes with an online seminary. However, the emphasis on the local church has also helped me to see the instant need to apply the truths that I am learning in my own life, in my family, and also in the local church. RBS has been a great blessing with its biblical and confessional doctrine that has helped me to grow in my understanding of God’s Word and my ability to explain it to others. I have had many opportunities to think through difficult topics and think of the best way to explain them to the church, and especially to the men in Latin America where I am serving as a missionary.

I have had the great honor of being able to serve as a missionary in Ecuador helping to train pastors in the context of the local church here and also taking part in theological training in other parts of Latin America. I believe that my training at RBS has been an essential part in my own preparation for the role of teaching and training men for ministry.

I am currently working towards finishing a Master of Arts in Biblical Languages through Grace Bible Theological Seminary which, Lord willing, I will finish next year, and then I hope to pursue ThM and/or PhD studies at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. I hope that my continued studies will help me to continue advancing in my understanding of God’s Word and my competence to be able to explain it to others who want to take part in the highest calling on earth—serving the church, the Bride of Christ.

I am so grateful to the staff at RBS, all of the professors and my friend Dr. Gonzales. Their help and instruction over these past few years have been edifying and challenging. Also, I am grateful for the elders and members of my local church in Conway, AR (Grace Bible Church) who have supported me, examined me, encouraged me, and sent me out to labor in pastoral training in Latin America. The friendships that I have with my pastors there and the support from the local church as a whole has been one of the most crucial parts in my training and ministerial preparation, and they will continue to serve an essential role for many years to come. Finally, I am thankful to my beautiful wife Ariel. Though I seek to always maintain that intimate balance between family and ministry, I am sure at times she, unfortunately, received the short end of the stick, but she continued to support me, encourage me, hear me discuss theological questions or paper ideas, and help read over assignments. Whenever we met, I didn’t even think seminary training was important, but it was through her prayers and convincing that God opened my eyes to see my own inadequacy and my need to be thoroughly trained in practical and theological matters. For this reason, I am grateful to God for his gracious providence in bringing RBS into my path and providing me the great privilege of studying His Word and preparing to better serve Him and His people.

Taylor Walls