Theological Foundations for Missions

Having served several years as a missionary in Colombia, South America, Dr. Jim Adams now pastors Cornerstone Church in Meza, Arizona. Recently, Dr. Adams gave eight lectures on the topic of missions for Reformed Baptist Seminary. In the first of his eight-part lecture series, he lays a theological foundation for the church's mission to the world, surveying biblical data in both the Old and also the New Testaments. This lecture is part of the curriculum for RBS's course PT 801 Missions.
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Choosing & Using a Confession of Faith: Some Biblical and Theological Guidelines

Choosing & Using a Confession of Faith: Some Biblical and Theological Guidelines
If we grant the legitimacy and usefulness of a confession of faith,[i] we’re faced with two practical questions: first, what particular confession of faith should a local church or collective body of churches adopt? And, second, what type or level of confessional subscription[ii] should such a church or body of churches require of its officers and members? Below I’d like to suggest a few biblical and theological guidelines to assist in answering these questions.
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Some Pastoral Observations on the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith

How does using a Confession of Faith benefit a church body? What are some of the strengths of the Second London Baptist Confession of Faith of 1689? Do pastors/elders relate differently 2LCF than church members that don't hold office? How does the Confession serve in cases of church discipline? These are some of the questions Dr Tom Ascol addresses from the perspective of a pastor in the 35 minute lecture below.
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D. A. Carson's Exegetical Fallacies: A Review by Josef Urban

What would it be like to have one of the world’s foremost exegetical theologians sit at our side as we study the Scriptures while being assigned the sole task of explaining to us all the hermeneutical mistakes we most frequently commit at each step of the way? Such would probably make most of us nervous as it is unlikely we would walk away unscathed. Yet the tremendous profit that could be gleaned from such an encounter is inestimable. Exegetical Fallacies seeks to draw us in into just such an experience.
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Three Modern Baptist Confessions

In the four-part lectures series below, Dr Tom Nettles surveys and explores the historical context and theological content of the New Hampshire Confession of Faith, the Abstract of Principles, and the Baptist Faith & Message (1925, 1963, 2000). These lectures were delivered at RBS's Fall Seminar at First Baptist Church of the Lakes in Las Vegas, Nevada, and they form part of the curriculum for RBS's course HT 501 Creeds & Confessions.
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Toward a Confessional Doctrine of the Church

In this three part lectures series below, Dr Tom Ascol expounds the doctrine of the church as set forth in the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith, and he draws out and applies many of the abiding principles that are relevant for the church in our day. These lectures are part of thirty lectures offered in the course HT 501 Creeds & Confessions.
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