An Update from the Front - Peru

Here is an encouraging update from one of our students serving a church plant in Peru.


I just wanted to write and say thank you to those who hold the rope for us via prayer and financial support. We are grateful for you because the work is both a physical and a spiritual work.

We had 5 new members join the church through faith and baptism. One dear lady, Nena is 82 years old. She is the oldest person I have ever baptized, and we did it in a chair. Last night, the Lord saved another lady named Milagros. It is always an amazing experience to be with a new believer as they cry out to God to save them, confessing their sins. I love seeing people saved and baptized!

Prayer Requests

  • Please pray because as we walk in holiness, we also face persecution. The church voted to put a man outside of the church 3 Sundays ago. Pray for his family as dangerous men are showing up at his house looking for him.

  • Also pray for another young lady, Milagros, who tried to take her life a few weeks ago. Please pray for us to have wisdom and help with the work and to make wise decisions.

  • Pray for us as we are tired. I am preaching 4 times a week and this week 5 times.

Thank you for those who pray for the work!