Graduate Profile: Kyle Carlson (MTS)

Throughout the course of this last decade, God has blessed me with an amazing academic journey which has helped grow me into the man I am and which I pray will be used in mighty ways making much of Jesus Christ our Lord. I continue to praise God for His great grace chiefly manifested in my own life by His regenerating salvific work about fifteen years ago.
A few years after my conversion, God called me into pastoral ministry. This call first led me to obtain my undergraduate degree in Christian Ministry Leadership. Then, after serving a few years at my first solo pastorate, I desired to continue to increase my knowledge of our great God and sharpen my ability to proclaim the excellencies of Christ and shepherd His people. I spent the next four years acquiring two graduate degrees from Liberty University, culminating in my Master of Divinity.
After Liberty, I had a colossal hunger to grow in the great Reformed doctrines of the faith once for all handed down to the saints. It was at this time an elder from my church was attending Reformed Baptist Seminary, to whom I was serving as mentor and proctor. I immediately grew to appreciate RBS, and as a consequence of this together with my desire to delve further into Reformed theology, I enrolled at RBS to pursue a Master of Theological Studies in Systematic Theology. As I am graduating, I am thankful for the administration and faculty who make learning at RBS possible. I now stand ready to see what fruit will be born from my studies here.
I close by extending immense appreciation to special people in my life. First, to my bride Toni. Second, to my amazing children. Third, to my church family. All of these people helped support me through this amazing academic journey.
What does God have in store for me next? For all those who have enjoyed courses from Greg Nichols, I answer from his favorite collegiate story. “Who knows!”

For God’s Glory Alone!
Pastor Kyle P. Carlson