Graduate Profile: Christina Myers (Certificate)

My name is Christina Myers. A few years after I got married, I began to have a desire to better learn the big themes and teachings of the Bible.

Raised in a small country church, I had heard the truths of the gospel, and knew many of the "stories" in the Bible, but not always in an organized manner. My husband grew up in a Reformed Baptist Church and had spent many years trying to help me to understand “what” I believed and the “why.” But it took many years before I was able to hear some of the truths presented and work them into my current understanding. Once my eyes were open and I was starting to understand, I knew I needed to find a way to continue learning.

I started looking into various local and online Bible school and seminary programs as a way to coherently put together in my mind what I believed, ultimately discovering RBS in a Reformed Baptist group on Facebook.

After speaking with Dr Gonzales, he allowed me to start with the then-forthcoming Certificate of Reformed Baptist Studies. I joined RBS in the opening cohort for the Certificate program, and am excited to have completed it.

As a homeschool mom, it is important to me to help my children get a strong spiritual foundation and develop their own apologetic skills. This program has given me a lot more knowledge and confidence in answering questions from my children across that spectrum.

As I am involved with Bible studies, small groups, and my local church, I can also see how what I have learned enables deeper conversations, stronger biblical engagement, and helping others come to a better understanding of doctrinal positions.

I pray that the impact of these classes is seen not only in my immediate family and circle of friends, but that it ripples out to their friends, and future generations.