Graduate Profile: Daniel Titus (DTS)

It is with great joy that I receive a Diploma of Theological Studies as a mile marker on my way toward knowing our Father better and making His love more manifest to others. I have enjoyed all—well, most—of my classes thus far, and I believe my ministry to God's people has benefited from them. I have been encouraged and (quite frankly) surprised at how demanding the courses have been. As I have conversed with students in other seminaries, they have shared my impression. My classes have challenged my spiritual disciplines, deepened my personal studies, and broadened my academic horizons. Lord willing, I and the members of our church will benefit as I continue my studies at RBS. I aspire to fulltime pastoral service thereafter; however, I am the Lord's (unprofitable) servant, and I am happy to serve him in any way he chooses.

Soli Deo Gloria,
