Graduate Profile: John VonDoloski (MDiv)

After serving for a few years in ministry, wrestling with the desire for further seminary training and balancing a large and growing family, I came across the motto from the RBS website, "Do seminary, stay in your local church." That was exactly the opportunity I was seeking. After further looking into the program, their commitment to professors with pastoral experience solidified my decision. I did not want to be trained by professional academics disconnected from the local church. Instead my training came from pastor-theologians with a balance of head, heart, and hands.

As my degree completion approached, the Seminary posted a staff position serving in a Reformed Baptist Church and encouraged me to apply. The opportunity ended up being a great fit for my family and my personal gifting. I applied, interviewed, and accepted a position at Grace Immanuel Reformed Baptist Church in Grand Rapids. After a year of ministry there, I continue to be grateful for the training and sharpening that I received at RBS. I continue to encourage young men sensing a calling to ministry to pursue further study and equipping through RBS.

After completing my final Hebrew 2 course this semester (praise be to God) I have already been accepted at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary to continue further theological training toward a Th.M. in Biblical Studies. During that process, I discovered that RBS is cultivating a partnership with PRTS to develop and integrate a Reformed Baptist concentration into their program. My entire experience with RBS has been edifying, sharpening, clarifying, and furthering my love for Christ and for his church. I am eternally thankful to God for those who have invested in my spiritual development and theological training.

John VonDoloski