Graduate Profile: Luke Walker

I became a believer in 2005 through reading the book of Ecclesiastes while living with friends in Phoenix, far away from my home in Wisconsin. The Lord showed me that even if I got everything I wanted in this world, it would be over in the blink of an eye and I would have nothing to show for it. Not only this, but I would be judged for my life by a holy God! I fled to Christ for safety and rejoiced in the hope of eternal life. With my conversion came a strong appetite for God’s Word. I moved back home and enrolled in school at Northwestern Bible College (now UNW) in St. Paul, MN, where I met life-long friends including my lovely wife. We also came to join a church which was pastored by one of the Bible professors. It is this church which I now have the privilege of pastoring.

A few years ago, a couple good friends admonished me to pursue higher studies. I am glad I heeded the trustworthy advice! The church-based program was perfect for our situation and I have grown as a pastor through it. The emphasis upon being winsomely Reformed has resonated with me, and my professors and Dr. Gonzales have embodied that ideal in their lectures and in the writing ideals of the school. Our church has been supportive of my pursuit of an MDiv, and we are excited for a new season ahead!

I want to thank Dr. Gonzales for his continuous encouragements (and bearing with the endless Lord of the Rings references in my papers). Thank you to all my professors! I am a better Christian and a better pastor thanks to Reformed Baptist Seminary. Thank you to my dear wife Angel and our three kiddos, Aleah, Judah, and Beorn. Thank you also to the saints of Redeeming Cross Community Church and especially Pastor Gottfried for his service in the ministry of the gospel. It is a joy to serve alongside you all! In the future, I may continue on in Puritan studies, in which I also wrote my MDiv thesis. For now, I will be enjoying more time with my family and the freedom of the single pursuit of shepherding our awesome flock.