Graduate Profile: Michael Curtis, MTS


My name is Michael Curtis and I live in Southern California. After growing up in a Christian home and attending the same Evangelical church my whole life, it wasn’t until 2017 that God led me to a deeper reverence for and understanding of his Word. It was by the friendly yet consistent prodding of a faithful Christian brother that I came to a Reformed and Baptist understanding of the Christian faith. Really, it was by seeing the conviction in his life, in his conversations with others, and in the way he led his family that I saw God at work in a way that I didn’t know was possible. What made it possible was my friend’s faith. This faith was not like any faith I had seen before, though. What was different? It wasn’t simply that my friend had his theology dialed in or that he had a firm grasp on God. Rather, it was apparent that God had a firm grasp on him. God also grabbed ahold of me and has not let go since.

It is amazing how God can effect such radical change in a person and how quickly he can do it.

Completing the MTS degree at RBS has been such a blessing to me, my family, and my church. I am so thankful for this faithful seminary that is fully online. As a husband and father of two (soon to be three!), and with a full-time vocation outside of ministry, I am at a point in my life where a fully online program was the only way I could have done it.

Special thanks to Dr. Gonzales for his guidance and to all the professors in the Marrow program.
Surprisingly, the program seemed to fly by and despite the many hours of labor, I am hungry for so much more. I am looking forward to pursuing the MDiv degree at RBS to further serve the Lord and his church to the best of my abilities.

I am soon to be serving as an elder of my church and hoping to teach in different capacities.

Reader, please pray for me in my pursuit. And please join me in praying for Dr. Gonzales and RBS to continue to serve faithful men in pursuing the call to ministry.

To God be the glory,
Michael Curtis